The Basic Principles Of avvocato penalista

The Basic Principles Of avvocato penalista

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- Mi sono laureato all'Università Federico II di Napoli e perfezionato presso la Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli in "diritto dei minori e della famiglia, mi occupo da sempre di diritto penale ma il mio studio spazia in ogni ambito del diritto grazie a preparati e validi colleghi.

As you'll have comprehended, within the authorized field it is always much better to Enjoy upfront, have specialised lawyers and hardly ever go away just about anything to chance.

Our law business in Italy has become focused For many years to offering legal assistance to Individuals who have issues in Italy about extradition and European arrest warrant.

He has collaborated with prestigious law corporations functioning inside the civil regulation sector: especially he qualified at the DeMartino Associati Legislation Company, among the list of top Specialist organizations in the sector of road incidents and compensation for harm as a consequence of lethal accidents.

Lo stesso accade se la Procura dispone il sequestro dei beni dell’indagato. Anche in questa circostanza, l’avvocato si adopererà for each ottenere il dissequestro e la conseguente restituzione delle cose appartenenti al suo cliente.

Our law business is hectic for years aiding foreign people who have lawful challenges in Italy associated with the immigration sector. The help of a lawyer in these techniques is often needed for the achievements of your proceedings.

In 1 week all the things was carried out. I'll affirm him and his staff as companions of our institution in Bangkok as official international legal professionals. Thanks again on your additional

Don’t you suspect what I’m indicating? Examine our opinions right here or Visit the Circumstances & Trials part in which you can Test what all the discharge or acquittal actions were being obtained in favor of those who believed in us and entrusted the situation to us.

The continual updating of our Global lawyers allows us to offer clients with sufficient responses to any trouble concerning the lawful sector with precise reference into the Global one particular.

Giuseppe Migliaccio → Avvocato civilista esperto in materia condominiale e recupero crediti - L'Avv. Giuseppe Migliaccio si occupa di diritto civile, ma nel corso degli anni si è specializzato in materia condominiale e recupero crediti avendo collaborato for each molto tempo su studi che si occupavano di recupero crediti per Società, enti pubblici e Condomini.

We generally request payment of our costs ahead of time (as a result just before legal information) for the reason that we have a peek here have been quite possibly the most visited site online to the criminal legislation sector in Italy, We've got lots of purchasers happy with our get the job done and thus everyday we obtain hundreds and hundreds of requests for authorized information.

L'esperienza professionale è stata conseguita in rilevanti processi: MOSE di Venezia, corruzione atti giudiziari, reati tributari for every navigate here indebite compensazioni IVA o for every operazioni soggettivamente inenistenti, reati di bancarotta. Potete verificare dal Profilo gli ambiti in cui viene prestata l'assitenza legale.

Il reato di bancarotta rientra have a peek here tra i cosiddetti reati fallimentari. Consiste nella sottrazione del proprio patrimonio ai creditori.

Già Curatore Fallimentare assiste le imprese sia nella loro gestione ordinaria che nella fase di crisi.

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